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Congratulations to Andreas Jeske on his winning Academic book review on Michelle Good's Truth Telling: Seven Conversations About Indigenous Life in Canada. Read the review attached below and Truth Telling by Michelle Good in your Campus library or links to ebook below

Academic Book Reviews 2024

For the University College of the North


An academic book review is very different than one created by a website or a bookstore. The purpose of a website or a bookstore is only to sell a book and not an educated evaluation of a book. When writing an academic book review, critical thinking and analysis is an essential part of the evaluation of the book in question. The reviewer is endeavoring to present a fair analysis of the material, research and knowledge of subject matter, accuracy is essential especially with academic books. The purpose of an academic book review is to provide an accurate analysis of the book so that other students will know if the book is useful for educational endeavors.


When writing an academic book review, knowledge and interest in the subject matter is quite important. For example: if the book The Chronicles of Narnia and Philosophy: The Lion, the Witch and the Worldview edited by Gregory Bassham and Jerry L. Walls was selected, it would be beneficial for the reviewer to have read the books by C.S. Lewis and perhaps learned about the life of C.S. Lewis. Book reviewers need to research and check that the information in the book is accurate. It is easier to do research and evaluate if the reviewer has some interest or prior knowledge of the subject however it is not a requirement. Often with academic books, the information can become out of date very quickly. If the book reviewer choose to review Radiologic Science for Technologists: Physics, Biology, and Protection Ninth Edition by Stewart Carlyle Bushong, the information would be more out of date than with the Tenth Edition. Medicine and technology for example are changing rapidly. The book selected must be the most current edition available in UCN Libraries.


The academic book (e-books are acceptable) for review at UCN must be selected from the UCN Libraries collection and registered with the Library staff. The book selected cannot be one selected by another UCN student or one that has been previously reviewed by another UCN student. For example, Indian Horse by

Richard Wagamase has been read for UCN classes many times and has already been reviewed. Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens has been reviewed academically and otherwise for over a hundred years. It is important that this review reflect the UCN student reviewer’s critical thinking and not another reviewer’s perspective. It is however perfectly acceptable to ask another UCN student or faculty member to help proof-read one’s review.


The benefits for other UCN students to read reviews written by their fellow students are many and varied. It is a means of providing information whether the book will be useful in the class or classes that they are taking or may take in the future. The academic book review provides necessary information on the benefits of reading that book. Often selection of the correct book saves time and aggravation for all manner of UCN researchers. Academic book reviews may demonstrate how a book will not meet the reader’s need. Academic book reviews are highly beneficial to students and staff at UCN.


The UCN academic book review winning entries will be display in the Library with the book and also posted on the Library services website.



UCN Academic Book Review Rules


  1. The academic book review for UCN is open only to UCN students. 
  2. The book (e-book) must be in the UCN Libraries collection and not in review by another UCN student. The student and book should be registered with the Library staff to avoid duplication. To register email
  3. The book must be completely read and over 150 pages.
  4. The review should be 1,000 to 1,200 words.
  5. The deadline to submit the review is May 17th, 2024. No exceptions. All submissions must be sent to
  6. The review is an evaluation of the book and demonstrates critical thinking: research for accuracy and a balance of the reviewer’s analysis of the book.
  7. The review must be well written and with correct usage of English grammar.
  8. The student reviewer may ask for assistance from other UCN students and faculty but the review must be the student’s own work.
  9. Winning reviews will be on display in the Library along with the book. The reviews will also be posted on the UCN Libraries website.
  10. UCN students can do multiple reviews and enter more than once.
  11. Reviews of one book can only be submitted once.
  12. The prizes for the winning entries are a "Lenovo 11" Chromebook or a Lenovo 14" ThinkPad."  

Quick Start

  • pick any library book, physical or digital, and register yourself and your book by emailing -write a critical review of the book. Must be between 1000 -1,200 words.
  • deadline to submit is May 17th, 2024. All submissions must go to
  • 2 winners will be announced on June 3rd. -Winning entries will be displayed in UCN Libraries as well as on our website. Each of the winners will receive a "Lenovo 11" Chromebook or a Lenovo 14" ThinkPad"

Truth Telling