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How To: Databases: hoopla

hoopla download the app

How to Sign Up

Start at the hoopla home page.

Already have an account?

Just enter the email and password you used when you signed up.

Don't have an account?

Click Get Started Today.

In the pop up screen, enter your email and create a password.


Your Info, Email, Confirm Email, Password (8-40 characters), Confirm Password


Click Agree.

In the next screen, Select University College of the North Library The Pas, MB as your library.


Choose your library - University College of the North


Click Next.

In the next screen, enter your 14 digit Library Card Number found just above the barcode.


14 digit Library Card Number found just above the barcode


Library Card Number


Select the box next to I agree.

Click Sign Me Up.



Student Resources

UCN Claim I D and Password Reset
FABS Online Writing Support
UCNLearn - access your online classes
Learners' Assistance Centre