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Accessing EBSCO eBook

1. To access the eBook, select either the eBook title or View details


Select title or View details


2. Select the first chapter on the right hand side of the page to open the eBook in the eBook Viewer


On the right hand side of the page, select the first chapter

What are EBSCO eBooks

What are EBSCO eBooks?

EBSCO eBooks are online versions of print books that your library has either purchased with a perpetual license or via an annual subscription. eBooks that are owned will be available to the library in perpetuity, with provisions being made for long term access and preservation. eBooks available via subscription are renewed annually for the library to retain access. EBSCO eBooks are available from all major academic publishers in virtually all academic disciplines.

EBSCO eBooks offer a number of advantages over their print counterparts.  Users can:

  • Download titles to mobile devices, including iPhones, iPads, Kindle Fires, and Android Devices
  • Search within a book for specific words or phrases
  • Save, print, or email chapters or sections
  • Copy and paste portions of text for easy access during the research process
  • Link to books or book chapters for easy reference or social sharing
  • Save a list of favorite books to a personal book shelf
  • Generate or export citations to bibliographic management tools
  • Save notes to a personal folder with a MyEBSCO account
  • Navigate between sections or chapters and the index via linking
  • Place holds on titles with limited simultaneous user licenses (though most titles are available for unlimited access)

eBook Requirements

Adobe Digital Editions

In order to download EBSCO eBooks, you must have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer. You will also need to use Adobe Digital Editions to transfer an eBook to a supported portable eReader device.

Adobe Digital Editions is a free download available at this link:

Recommended Browser Settings for EBSCO eBooks

  • For Adobe Acrobat Reader Browser Requirements and settings for all supported browsers, click here.

  • For general browser requirements for the EBSCO Discovery Service interface, click here.

  • Internet Explorer versions 8.0 and older are not compatible with eBooks in EPUB format. To view an EPUB format eBook, we recommended these browsers: Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer 11 or later.

Supported Devices and Apps

EBSCO eBooks are compatible with:

  • Desktop Computers
  • iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch
  • Android Phones and Tablets
  • eBook Readers that support Adobe DRM
  • See More Information

eBook Apps:

eBooks Tutorials

This tutorial demonstrates how to search for eBooks and read them online using the eBook Viewer.

This tutorial demonstrates how to read EBSCO eBooks in EBSCOhost and EBSCO Discovery Service online using your browser.

This tutorial demonstrates how to download eBooks and transfer them to a compatible eReader device with Adobe Digital Editions.

This tutorial demonstrates how to download EBSCO eBooks to your mobile device and read them using the free Adobe Digital Editions app.

This tutorial demonstrates how to download and read eBooks on the EBSCO mobile app. 

eBook Viewer

EBSCO’s online eBook viewers supports reading on desktop or laptop computers and tablet devices. Our reader is browser-based, so there’s no need to download special software or hardware; users simply search, click and immediately start reading.

EBSCO Discovery Service eBook Viewer

Image of ebsco discover service ebook viewer user interface


EBSCOhost eBook Viewer

Image of ebsco host ebook viewer user interface

EPUB eBook Format

What is the EPUB format?

EPUB has become the industry standard format for delivering eBooks, because it enables publishers to create books that behave more like web content.

EPUB titles are often embedded with links to help the user navigate between sections, from the index to the relevant pages, and out to the open web.

To learn more about EPUB format and the difference between EPUB and PDF format, see the following FAQs:

Creating a personal MyEBSCO Account

Create a MyEBSCO Account

In order to download EBSCO eBooks to your computer or your portable device to read with the Adobe Digital Editions mobile app, you must create a personal MyEBSCO folder.

To create a personal account:

  1. Log into EBSCO Discovery Service and click the “Sign In” located at the top right hand corner of the page.
  2. Click “Create a new Account.”
  3. Enter the relevant information

Checkout and Download to PC

Checkout and Download eBooks to Your Computer

To checkout and download eBooks to your computer:

  1. Search EBSCO Discover Service for eBook titles of interest.
  2. Select the book that you would like to read in one of the following ways:
    1. Click on the eBook title and then "Full eBook Download"
    2. Click on "View Details" and then "Full eBook Download"
    3. Select "Access Now" or one of the options from the dropdown menu and then "Full eBook Download"
  3. Select a Checkout Period and click “Download”
  4. When the File Download box opens, select “Open” and the eBook opens in Adobe® Digital Editions.

To learn more, see Checking out and Downloading EBSCO eBooks on EBSCO Help.

Save, Print, Email eBook Chapters

Can I print, save, or email EBSCO eBook pages as a PDF?

Depending on publisher-specified limits, up to 100 pages of an EBSCO eBook can be printed, saved or emailed as a PDF file (per user) from within the eBook viewers to be printed at a later time.


  • Some titles may not allow for printing due to individual publisher-specified limits.
  • The number of pages may vary depending on individual publisher-specified limits.
  • If you have reached your printing limit, the option to print or save eBook pages will be temporarily unavailable.

To learn how to save, print, or email eBook Chapters, see:

Citing eBooks

How do I cite EBSCO eBooks?

EBSCO eBooks are available in both PDF and EPUB formats. PDF books have page numbers that typically correlate with the print version of the title, and those page numbers may be used for citation purposes. EPUB eBooks are formatted with reflowable text, which means the text resizes to fit the viewing window, and therefore they do not have stable pagination.

Most citation style guides, particularly in the humanities, make allowances for eBooks without stable page numbers. Visit our Support Site FAQ for reference if you’re trying to cite an eBook.

How do I cite an eBook?

Finding the Access License for an eBook

How to Check for an Unlimited Access EBSCO eBook

To check for an EBSCO eBook that includes Unlimited Access, find an eBook of interest and navigate to the Detailed Record.


EBSCO Discovery Service View

Image of ebsco ebook detailed record highlighting the ebook availability



EBSCOhost View

The Detail Record contains the license information, displaying either Limited Access (1 or 3 copies available) or Unlimited Access.

For limited access titles, you may still save and use PDF chapters in your class. However, if you’d like to link to the title or make the title available for everyone to view online or download at the same time, you’ll want to make sure the title has an Unlimited User Access.

eBooks in the Classroom

eBook Basics: Can I Use Them in the Classroom?

EBSCO eBooks can be used in the classroom or as a part of your course syllabus. Using e-books available from the library can be cost effective use of student textbook funds, particularly if the book is not something students intend to keep long-term, or if you’re only assigning a chapter or section of the work.

Using EBSCO eBooks provides some advantages over print books in addition to cost-savings. Students can:

  • Search within the titles for words or phrases
  • Save/email/print chapters or sections
  • Automatically generate bibliographic citations or export to bibliographic management tools

To learn more, see: eBook Basics: Using EBSCO eBooks in the Classroom on the EBSCO Support Site.

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EBSCO Information Services